Ladies and gentleman – start your summers! June 21st is the official first day of the sun-drenched season. And folks across the U.S. couldn’t be happier about basking in blissful summer activities for a few months.

It’s high time to soak up endless sunshine with some everyday adventures and fun things to do in the summer!

18 summer activities that you MUST do at least once
this sunny season.


1. Cardinal rule of summer…


2. A bit tougher: say NO to Netflix. That marathon binge can wait. For the love of sunshine, get outside!


3. Admit it. Drinks always taste better this way. Always.


4. Start your day a different way. Every day.


5. SPF = sun, pool, fun. Am I right? Of course, some sunscreen is a good call too


6. Get out of your comfort zone. You’ll instantly have ridiculous, unforgettable stories to share.


7. Sing loud, sing proud. Everyone’s a rockstar in the company of friends.


8. Hot summer days + chillin’ with a cool crew = no explanation needed


9. Find your happy place. Go there as often as you can.


10. Nothing beats America’s favorite pastime. Except maybe America’s favorite pastime with a hot dog in one hand, a brew in the other, friends, and a winning scoreboard.


11. Double the fun – rope a friend into doing summer activities with you! Then take selfies.


12. You don’t need to dine out to go al fresco. Get creative in your kitchen and picnic on the porch!


13. Spend some quality time with a furry friend.


13½. Or just teach a furry friend to do happy summer dances.


14. Serious question: Who said it can’t be done?


15. Fly by the seat of your pants. Literally. Just go. See where the road takes you


16. Embrace a little caffeine boost and catch-up time — both will do your heart dandy.


17. Swimsuits are optional. Interpret that as you will.


18. And finally, a good rule of thumb for any sensational summer