The company that plays together, stays together.

Are you in the market for some quick team building activities to up the ante on your company culture?

Here at Virgin Experience Gifts, we work hard and we play hard… sometimes harder!

We firmly believe that doing so encourages and achieves the healthiest work-life balance.

As a means of taking this notion to the next level, our faithful Virgin Experience Gifts leaders recently instituted the Culture Crew.

Call them what you may — fun-finders, party-planners, merry-makers — this crew is responsible for wrangling up some awesomeness and entertainment each month for the C9 family to enjoy together… which also brilliantly helps the happiness train to stay on track during business hours.

But our office shouldn’t be the only stop on the Cloud 9 locomotive that’s reaping the benefits of successful team building!

Below are just a few of the latest and greatest ideas implemented by our Culture Crew. And they are yours for the taking, if you’re searching for some sweet team bonding gigs!


The Bear Bowl!* This literally puts the ‘quick’ in “quick team building activities.” Each time an employee works out for at least 30 minutes, he or she is free to “feed the bear” by adding an entry into the bowl. Each month’s movin’ and groovin’ efforts are rewarded with a monthly fitness-related prize drawing!


Good Vibe Sessions! Leave office life behind and let loose a bit! Choose a new destination or team building idea each month (sushi, laser tag, mini golf, hikes, happy hours, you name it!) – enjoy either during or after the typical 8-5 grind.


Kickball League! Shake things up with an organized sport — kickball is just one of many hot commodities found in most cities. Rules and regulations may vary from league to league but, generally, commitment is flexible and refreshments are encouraged. Along with lots of laughs, since most folks haven’t played since the grade school playground.


Theme Days. C’mon, who doesn’t love a phenomenal theme party?! OK, maybe that’s a rhetorical question. But we still advocate giving it a try! Holiday-based themes are always a crowd-pleaser when it comes to quick team building activities. As are twin days, decade days (80s!), toga parties, beach bums – the possibilities are endless!**


So hope on board the team building train with us!

Virgin Experience Gifts will be more than happy to keep y’all updated on what our Culture Crew comes up with next. And we’d absolutely love to hear about the incredible team building ideas you come up with to keep your company culture rockin’!

‘Til next time, keep on keepin’ on!

*Pick any ‘bowl’ name you like! For Virgin Experience Gifts, a Care Bear sporting a cloud seemed too company-appropriate to pass up. Now that bear is up to his eyeballs in entries on a regular basis! We just might be the best-looking office in the complex pretty soon.

**Fun Virgin Experience Gifts fact! Not one, not two, but THREE of our 16 employees have a twin. And all three sets are identical. Wowzaaa!